Supervised Visiting Service

Supervised parental visitation occurs when the parent has demonstrated as possibly representing a danger to the child or already has proven to be a danger to them. Sometimes based on issues of protection and safety, a judge will court order supervised parental visitation.

Some of the concerns or reasons that warrant supervised visiting are as follows but are not limited to them:

Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Concern or Threat of Kidnapping
Domestic Violence
Conviction of Crimes
Mental Illness or Mental Disorder
Mental, Sexual and/or Physical Abuse
High Conflict Custody- Alienation
Attempted Suicide or Threat of Suicide

The purpose of these visits is to allow the child the opportunity to maintain an ongoing relationship with the other parent while in a safe setting. CI will not only consider the best interest of the child but will assist in determining if future unstructured visitation would be suitable and/or possible or if they will endanger the child's physical, mental or moral health.

Supervised Visits are held in public locations, such as restaurants, libraries, parks, etc. CI will insure the child/children remain safe during the visit and are not subjected to any inappropriate activity or conversation.

An initial consultation will be conducted with both parents/parties/guardians prior to scheduling visitation.

Contact CI for additional information.